Brooke and I have been looking for a church. We’ve been attending one for almost a year, but still don’t know very many people and aren’t sure we’ll stay. This is a big deal for us, as we’re getting married next year. I’m a Christian, though I suppose a pretty unusual one. Brooke is still checking out Christianity. We both have some issues with the evangelical subculture, though that’s what I’m most familiar with. In general, meeting people in your mid-thirties is difficult, and it’s made even more so when you’re looking for a spiritual connection as well. I joked to Brooke that it would be better if we could get some t-shirts made up that we could wear to each new church, just giving people a heads up as to where we’re at. Then they could decide if they wanted to get to know us or not. So, here’s what mine would look like, and here’s Brooke’s. What do you think?