The first GTABloggers meet was a success. Brooke and I got together with Rannie, Jay, Lily, and Jayme and bowled our cares away. Check out Jayme’s pictures. I was surprised that for all Rannie’s interest in photography, his was the most low-tech camera in attendance. Our next meet is November 9 at Sneaky Dee’s. I’m looking forward to it already.
I was just thinking today of what the metal group Anthrax must be feeling with all these anthrax scares going around, and what do I read over on Michael‘s blog? That they are going to change their name to “Basket Full of Puppies,” since that is so much friendlier. Sure, it’s a joke, but they must be feeling just a bit uncomfortable these days. It is nice that they actually have links to information on the disease from their site, since it must be the first place people hit when the panic sets in.