Mondays are my day off, and so I curled up in front of my computer screen today to watch Steve work his magic. And, though there were some interesting announcements, I was a little underwhelmed. I kept waiting for his trademark, “Oh, and one more thing…” but it never came. The iMacs are funny looking, but they’ll grow on me, and iPhoto is a great idea (though runs pretty slow on my computer, 1000+ photos notwithstanding), but I was expecting more.
Though that’s probably not to blame, I’ve just been feeling sad all day. So I went out and finally found the soundtrack CD for The Royal Tenenbaums, which is just perfect bittersweet music for nursing a sad mood. Listen to me: ignore the sudden swarm of war movies, which glorify violence and blind patriotism, and go see this movie, instead. You’ll be glad you did.