Google Spoofing™

GOOGLE SPOOFING™ DEPT.: Enron scandal Enron scandal Enron scandal Enron scandal Enron scandal Britney Spears naked Britney Spears naked Britney Spears naked Britney Spears naked Britney Spears naked Salt Lake City Olympics Salt Lake City Olympics Salt Lake City Olympics Salt Lake City Olympics Salt Lake City Olympics Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden.

Ok, what the heck am I doing? Well, I’ve noticed that probably half of my daily visitors arrive here from the wonderful tool which is Google. And I’ve realized that weblogs like mine are crawled regularly for updated content. I get hits from Google sometimes within a few days of posting on a topic. So, my (sad) theory is that by posting popular search topics at regular intervals, I can drive my traffic up to, say, Davezilla levels. 😉