I Hate Cell Phones

Apologies in advance to any cell phone junkies, but I hate them! I hate the whole culture of people talking on their phones anywhere, anytime, about nothing. Self-important “business” people in the line at McDonald’s, fat cats in their BMWs with phones stuck to the side of their heads, people on the subway whose phones ring immediately after we come out from underground, people having the conversations that consist of “I’m on the bus/streetcar/subway. I’m at [such and such intersection]. Where are you?” I think cell phones are a bad rash, encouraging rude behaviour and dumbing down communication. I hate the vocabulary: “my mobile,” “my land line,” “my cell.” Even worse, as the earpieces become smaller and smaller, it will be impossible to distinguish the cell phone yakkers from the truly delusional. But somehow that seems appropriate to me.

105 thoughts on “I Hate Cell Phones”

  1. For over a year now this girl at work has been harassing me with her cell phone. There is even a private button on her phone so I can’t hear any background noise. It even has an ID blocker so you can’t tell who it is. These things were made just for harassment. How can I get her cell records for free without having to go to court?

  2. I am glad to see that I am not the only one with such hatred for cell phones. They are nothing but an interuption. People who whip out their cell phones constantly or carry on conversations during dinner are unbelievably lame and rude. My husband and I were always content not having a cell phone 1) b/c it is just a waste of money 2) b/c we don’t need one 3) b/c cell phone users in general are obsessed with their phones and are just plain annoying and rude. I hate listening to cell phones ringing in the middle of the library, during the movies, or anytime I am outside trying to get some peace. Recently, however, my husband bought a cell phone and totally caught me offguard. Of course he bought it without asking, and since I pay for all the bills, I am stuck paying for this damn thing. Aye! Everytime I hear that thing ring or see it laying around I cringe. I hope he loses it!

  3. When I open up my Samsung cell phone, it displays a picture of my smiling boyfriend; next, the screen runs through a series of natural photographs—a polar bear with its baby on its back, a yellow sunflower, a bed of red tulips, a mountainous landscape, a hawk, an white stucco church against a backdrop of blue sky. Ironically, this 4″ by 1.5″ by .75″ dead technology purports to soothe me with pictures of the living.

  4. And those stupid musical ringers! They sound like the old Atari game sound effects from 25 years ago. There are so many cell phones ringing here at work that it sounds like a video arcade.
    The other day I was in the supermarket picking up my weekly food order along with this nit wit who was consulting with his wife via cell phone about each item he was getting. “Well” he says to her “ they have six different kinds of spaghetti sauce…Ragu, Prego, ect” . This went on through the whole store. I wanted to grab the phone, throw it on he floor and crush it with my boot and say “ What the fuck is the matter with you man? Are you really that fucking hen-pecked and brain-dead that you can’t pick up a lousy food order without consulting the wife about every item? Ever hear of a grocery note ya moron?” What idiots!
    And what the hell is so important that they need to talk right this minute anyway? I was discussing a problem at work with a fellow worker when his cell phone rang and he told me to hold on a minute, answers his phone and begins to gab. I walked away and , quite frankly, couldn’t have cared less if the problem got resolved or not. I made him come looking for me to find out what was wrong.
    When somebody interrupts my conversation to answer a phone I always walk away and I will never finish what I was talking about. When they ask what we were talking about I tell them ‘nothing’.
    And I’m really sick of the addiction everyone seems to have of checking the damned thing every few minutes to see if anyone called.
    Recently I was in a group of five other people and at one point every one of them was on a cell phone call at the same time but me.
    It’s another way for people to be inconsiderate and obnoxious just like they do with boom cars, whistle exhausts, loud stereos, and those god-forsaken home theatre systems with bass shaking plaster loose from the walls in the house next door. I don’t see any end in sight.

  5. THANK GOD FOR THIS “SUPPORT GROUP”!!! this morning i’m sitting having my coffee when what do i hear?????? a cell phone conversation right outside my window! blah, blah, blah. and loud no less!! so i stick my head in the window and ask him nicely to “please not talk on his phone outside my window” his response: “it’s a free country i can talk wherever i want, babe!” AAAHHHH!!
    please help. thank god you all feel the same way. the decline of civilization! it’s so depressing and frustrating. i feel absolutely powerless! and i’m never afraid to speak my mind to people! cellphones, reality tv, tv in general, consumerism. when does it stop? it has turned people into horrifying caricatures of themselves. making them loudly and outwordly rude, inconsiderate, offensive, abrasive, self-important, etc. it makes me really sad. why are people such sheep? no one thinks for themselves anymore. don’t these people need peace and quiet? no one can be by themselves anymore. constant connection 24 hours a day. strapped to that umbilical cord earpiece. are they the aliens or are we? it’s nice to know that so many of you feel the same way. because i can’t take it!! and my husband wonders why i’m so anti-social!


  6. FUCK STUPID CELL PHONE MOTHER FUCKERS!!! I truly believe that cell phones themselves are a useful invention. They are necessary, but not to the extent that they are used. I hate the stupid mother fuckers that use them at the most inappropriate times. The horribly unnecessary calls that begin like “oh, I’m on the train, or Oh, I’m at the store…” It’s just show off communication. The worst, though, is stupid fucking 4th and 5th graders that have them. Why, you’re 11! If you ask them how they could possibly necessitate a cell phone, the response they give you is “to talk to my friends.” What! Fuck you, you’re 11, you only know your parents. Then you have the people that get arrogant with you if you politely ask them to tone down their pointless conversation. Fuck you! Most of the time, this happens to me in a class room, sit your ass down and learn something. Cell phones are the downfall of my generation. People need to just chill with their cell phones.

  7. Cell phone bashers…nice!!!

    I’m not so certain that cell phones represent an end to western civilization, but it does represent the advent of an intrusive new culture, a culture that doesn’t necessarily have its roots in the technology itself, but definitely uses such technology as cell phones as an ideal feeding and spawning ground for its own potent brand of idiocy and self-involvement. A gun is harmless until someone picks it up and uses it to end the life of another, the same could be said for any other tool. A syringe can either be used to deliver lifegiving medicine, or as a handy way to shoot up, get high, and possibly wind up in the hospital due to overdose or withdrawal symptoms. Cell phones are no different in this regard. They can be used to save lives in the hands of emergency service personnel, or in cases where contact with those who could provide immediate help…or at the very least they could be used to annoy, at most, especially whilst in traffic, cell phone use could needlessly endanger lives. It is a dichotomy shared by all forms of technology from a hammer to an automobile, and even to cell phones. The problem is not with the technology, but with the people who develop it, and the people who will use it. All the problems are human ones, the tech we’ve got now just makes it so in a more global sense. However, all is not lost, just as there is a culture of mindless consumerism, self-importance, and one-upmanship, so there is another culture of measured aquisitions, consideration for others, and most of all, a genuine form of communication developing under the radar. The internet is partly responsible for making this happen, but once again, take heed and be careful, it’s a tool, and like fire it can warm you to the thoughts and feelings of others, or it can burn you, this is especially true of you AOL users. Uuuuugh, don’t get me started on AOL. Anyway, just my own opinion, freely given, but not shoved in the faces of others whether or not they want it.

    Take care, and remember…

    That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

  8. Haha, the gun analogy is a good one, for a few reasons. The mental image of people holding these things to their heads makes me laugh. But also the thought of a new group of cellphone-control advocates, like gun control. Can’t we get these things out of the hands of children, or make people take a course before they’re allowed to use them? How about background checks and a 24-hour “cooling off” period. Yukyukyuk!!


  9. My name is seth and i too am fed up with cell phones. It seems as if everything about the use of cell phones irritates me. From people’s mindless babble while waiting in line to the love sick puppy constantly checking his phone to see if anyone called or not. My solution to the problem of cell phone use, is to simply leave the damn thing turned off and use it only when there is a pertinent message on it. This takes some discipline but it is well worth it. In the time u save having gay conversation, one could read a book or even learn a new language, it also saves a shit ton of money too. I postulate that if everyone minimized there cell phone use there would be much more valued face to face conversations and alot less brain tumors haha…

  10. the first comment happened years ago, all of you should really just let it go! it’s over you lost get a mobile and fry your brain out already!, none of you mind me taking your comments and using them in an essay do ye, thanks!

  11. I was driving home from a physical rehab session, due to a crushed left leg, when the lady driving the car in front of me had to stop at a railroad track. She had stopped too close to the track, so put her car in reverse and backed up, nearly to my truck. Then, being totally engrossed in a cell phone conversation, she forgot to shift out of “reverse”.

    Due to the traffic behind me, I was unable to back away from her, so it was obvious that after the train passed she was gonna step on her accelerator and crash right into me. Painfully I got out of my truck, grabbed my crutches from the bed and hobbled my crippled ass up to her window.

    She didn’t even know I was there as she blissfully and ignorantly yakked away. I probably could have gone over to the passenger side and stolen her purse without her even knowing it.

    I stood waiting for her to notice me for about 15 seconds, finally realized that it wasn’t going to happen, so rapped my knuckles sharply on the glass to get her attention. She jumped so hard, she almost hit her head on the ceiling! The look on her face was priceless. She must have thought Charles Manson had busted out of the joint and come to chop her up into tiny pieces.

    I motioned for her to roll down the window which, after some hesitation, she did. Her eyes were still in a state of shock when I informed her that she should shift her transmission back into “drive” so she doesn’t crash into my truck after the train passes.

    She mumbled a dumb, “Oh”, shifted the tranny, and rolled the window back up without so much as a “sorry” or “thank you” or anything else. Of course she was instantly back yakking on her stupid phone again…an inanimate object which I suspect had an IQ equal to its owner.

    If I’d actually spotted Charles Manson anywhere in the vicinity, I’d have paid him to get in the car with her

  12. Great blog. I own a cell phone and have one for work. However, I only use my cell phone for emergencies and use my company phone only when absolutely necessary. I have witnessed many close calls when idiots felt that they had the special ability to talk with a cell phone plastered to their head and drive at the same time. I’ve had to listen to them yacking mindlessly about the most inane things you can imagine (and to think that they pay for airtime to do this). The dumbest one yet, was when a girl answered her phone in the bathroom stall during a Coldplay concert. Apparently they asked what she was doing and she said “Going pee at a Coldplay concert”. Unfortunately, the phones are here to stay.

  13. Cant stand them. They drive me nuts. I just want to smash those little!@#$%^&*(‘s.
    And the population of youngers who’s unfortunate parents are paying for them; their delusional world of self entitelment. I know a dose of reality right across their ungratefull faces. Slap the shit out of some of them. With a fresh can of whoop-ass of my steel toe boots. Shit, some boot camp! Their driving the market which is driving me crazy!!!!!

  14. What a wonderful site! There is a God, and He led me to this place. So great to hear others voice, articulately & humorously, all the things I’ve been feeling, thinking about cell phone misuse!

  15. Even God agrees with us:

    Commandment #11:

    “Thou shalt have nothing to do with cell phones, and utterly abhor them.”

    I’m sure that’s what HE means by:

    Proverbs 10:19 & 20 — The Living Bible:

    “Don’t talk so much. You keep putting your foot in your mouth. Be sensible and turn off the flow.”

    “When a good man speaks, he is worth listening to, but the words of fools are a dime a dozen.”

    Matthew 12:36

    “But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”

  16. I would like to thank everyone for their great, humorous, and insightful cell phone bashing posts. I have spent about 30 mins reading over all of the previous posts, which I have enjoyed thoroughly. I totally acknowledge the fact that the technology is not to blame the people are, and oh boy, there are a lot of them, we better get started. The obvious problems with cell phones have been mentioned in great detail in these awesomely fun, and amusing posts. Although, I feel there are some major underline problems that have failed to come out of these posts. Actually one person “Mike” does notice it by mentioning this “intrusive new cell phone culture.” The problem that I am talking about is that of people losing basic human social interaction skills to a digitized piece of electronics. I really miss the good old fashion person to person communication. You can see the smile on the other person’s face when you say something that enlightens their soul and a smirk when they understand the pain of a bad situation that you just went through. Most of our basic interactions, facial expressions, body gestures and so on, are being completely lost over the digital signals of a cell phone, and for that I am sad. I feel we are moving away from the things that make it so enjoyable to be in the presents of someone else.

    The other problem I see is that people with cell phone are failing to reach out and make new acquaintances and friends. Why should they? They have all the all the friends they need right at their finger tips. Why should they have to extend themselves to talk to someone new? Plus, talking to a stranger in person for the first time, for most people is uncomfortable and un-nerving. Most people in this situation are worried about the outward impression they will make in the conversion on the other person. Luckily for me I have no such problem; I am very friendly, and always open for conversation.

    There are many other problems, many being extremely critical, caused from the constant use of cell phones in many extremely bad situations, such as driving. Thankfully, so many of these problems have been elaborated on in the lines of text listed above this post.

    One, final problem, is that of isolation in the new cell phone culture. I find it hard to meet new people because everyone at my campus is walking and talking on their cell phones, or sitting alone talking to someone in the typical cell phone toting position. How are you supposed to have societal interaction if everyone is preoccupied talking to each other?
    Maybe, I should dial up a random phone number and start talking. Maybe that would be the easiest way to introduce yourself to a new person.

  17. I am sorry the nice Brian has just left; the angry Brian has just entered

    Now I would like to sum up what everyone, and what I have been saying in a few words “CELL phone users are Pussy, Big FUCKING FAT PUSSIES”. Not the genuine kind, but the kind that can not be alone for 5 mins because it makes them feel uncomfortable.
    “Boo hoo, oh can stand being alone, your mom raised a pussy.” I hope at some point these pussies, would realize that it is time to fucking grow up, and put down their cells, and try some face to face communication skill. They might find out that there is a whole lot more enjoyment out of talking, seeing and interacting to someone face to face then over some fucking piece of electronics. Hell, they might even make some new friends or learn a useful piece of information from someone. Or maybe they should put the dam thing down, and then pick up a book, magazine or newspaper and learn something, and progress forward a little bit with their pathetic lives. Or they could watch some T.V and learn something about current events.

    I am with everyone on this page, I hate CELL phones, they suck and so do the people that use them till their dam batteries run out.
    All of your posts have inspired me to create a short 20 min film about the major downsides to cell phones. I am going to pull from the best, bad example of cell phone usages from the posts above. Then I am going to enter it in a film festival. Most likely it will be a serious comical film totally bashing cell phones and their pathetic users.

  18. MY name is Brian not Brenda
    Hey, what happen I posted “I would like to thank everyone for their great..” on on March 16, 2005 02:41 AM. And someone elses name is on my post?? What is the deal with that?? MY name is Brian not Brenda! and my e-mail is briang1621@gmail.com

  19. OH RUDE ONES!Your status is not!
    To reach me, leave a message with my secretary.

  20. I absolutley loathe cell phones. They are the most annoying piece of sh*t on the face of the earth. The damn ringers with all the new ringtones, and even worse are the default ringtones that are everywhere.

    KILL YOU CELL PHONES. The majority of cell phone users out there do not actually need to be attainable 24/7.

  21. WANTED: Cell Phone Blocker. Don’t care if they are illegal here in the US! So is driving reckless. Chris

  22. To me these are the single most irritating devices made by man. They are designed more for children than adults. They are so obtrusive and invasive. Kids love all the calls and ease to contact friends. But my work bought me one and my life has never been so depressing. I’d work 13 hour days and have my bosses calling acting surprised I was at home. I will never in my lifetime pay for a cellphone plan. It’s like the nail in the coffin of privacy. Can’t I just be out and about town without being found? Is it just me, or do others not want to be found 24 hours a day?????

  23. I hate people that go buy cell phones that have functions that they have never used and cannot understand the concept of opening thier manual and call tech support wanting to spend the next hour trying to learn how to use the cell phone

  24. My private name for cell phones is “yuppie eggs.” Yuppies may be extinct, but their attitudes aren’t. The two, yuppies and cell phones, were made for each other. Thank God that yuppies went out of fashion before cell phones crawled onto the market.

    I hear the pro-cell phone retort, “they’re good in emergencies, like when your car stalls on a country road at 2 am.” I must agree, and I admire the technology behind cell phones, but having them in emergencies is not the reason cell phones were marketed. I don’t remember a single ad promoting the rancid little things as friends in emergencies. The appeal is always to the materialistic, status-enslaved ego. It’s a way of looking and feeling better than others around you, like hanging a multicolored sign on yourself that reads “I’m better than you because I have a cell phone and you don’t.” It’s the latest phony status symbol, as were BMWs and hot tubs until too many people had BMWs and hot tubs.

    And the advertising blitz!! It’s relentless, it’s everywhere. Soon, even ghosts will be buying and using cell phones. Even they can’t escape the ad blitz for cell phones.

    And a lot of sleazy, slimy profiteers are raking in frogskins by the truckload, having marketed yet another glittery gizmo that appeals to selfish, status-conscious egos.

    I even got one of those “you have been pre-selected” type telemarketing calls the other day, this time for receiving my very own cell phone. Like, goody and cool — NOT. I told the voice on the nether end of my (ordinary, plug-in-the-wall) telephone, ” I don’t want a cell phone.”

    The telemarketer’s voice quivered and quavered with shock and astonishment. “YOU DON’T WANT A CELL PHONE?????” it gasped.

    “No, not at all,” I told the telemarketer, before she collapsed into some catatonic state. “I never wanted one, I don’t want one now, and I never will want one. If someone starts sending around a petition to ban the accursed things, I’ll be the first to sign.”

    Now, where’s that petition, dammit?

  25. I hate cellphones because they are distracting, intrusive, and rude. I like the way the world (friendships) used to be before people were constantly talking on, answering, monitoring, text messaging, and whatever the fuck else those goddamn things do to interrupt MY VALUABLE TIME with a person.

    Is there anything worse than trying to carry on a conversation with someone who keeps interrupting you and reaching for their cell? I swear to God I’m going to reach across and fucking choke the next one who does it. I have a cellphone, but nobody on earth can possibly hate them for what they’ve done to our society, more than me.

  26. Cellphones are evil.
    The landfills are full of discarded ones.
    They are probably sterilizing more men than Chernobyl.
    Text messaging is vaguely above Morse code, technologically, and each one costs a telco something like $0.000001.
    The photos taken on them look like vague shapes seen through a sheet of glass dipped in Vaseline.
    Why would anyone want to be contactable all of the time? Was life so bad when you had time to yourself?
    Why would you want a life that was tied to your cellphone?
    People who have cellphones don’t know how to enjoy life.
    I still have a cellular-free life, thank God. And I run a business in 11 countries. If I can live without them, anyone can. You’re not that important.

  27. Remember the movie ‘the matrix’? All humans on earth laying sided by side, while living in a virtual world. Go to any gym and you’ll see people hooked up to machines and ignoring the person right next to them. Good? Bad? Inevtiable? I dunno, let me call my friend and ask them.

  28. Cell phones are the worst technology ever created.They were never meant for emergencie,the wireless industry created them only as a product to sell and for people to gab on.One only need look at cell phone commercials and see that people hold the phone in a certain way,talk a certain way and dress a certain way,then look at people on the street or other public places and you will see that many people act the same way.What the cell phone industry is marketing is rudeness,they want everyone to act the same so they can sell more of those damn phones.There are people out there who are so desperate for one of those phones that they will go to any lengths to get one.I know one such person and he coned me into buying a cell phone for him.He said we could both use it but I never saw the stupid thing again and am stuck with a eight hundred dollar bill I cant pay back and if I ever see that phone again I’ll take a sledge hammer to it and send it back in it’s original box to T-Mobile as brand new.I hate this piece of technology and the world would be a better place without them.The thing I hate most is that the fucking wireless companies will make it hard to drop their service which means they make more money.

  29. TV news said there are 2 times more traffic accidents caused by cell phones than drunk drivers. Stand on the corner and watch people drive by 1 out of 6 people have a cell phone stuck to their ear. I took my children to a movie theater some womans cell phone kept ringing, every time she answered it she talked loud. After the 3rd call people in the theater started yelling, shut up, be quite, go out side and talk on that, I can’t hear the movie. The 6th time the cell phone rang the person behind the woman grabbed it from her ear and stuck the cell phone down in their soft drink cup the liquid shorted out the cell phone. The woman went off and it turned into a YELLing contest the manager and security came and removed the woman from the theater and everyone in the theater cheered. I bought a police whistle every time someone next to me in a restaurant talks loud on a cell phone I blow the whistle as hard as I can and it really pisses them off several times people have given me a dirty look and told me to shut up they are trying to talk on the cell phone.

  30. My sons math teacher spends the entire class period talking on his cell phone. He puts the assignment on the board and expects the students to be quiet and ask no questions while he talks on his cell phone. My son didn’t understand how to do the math so he asked the teacher for help. The teacher got mad told my son to go back to his seat and leave him along. This made me so mad I went to the school and complained but nothing happened so I complained again and again and finally got my son moved to another math class. I contacted all the parents of all the students in the class and most of them went to the school and complained too. The school finally moved all the students into other math classes and did nothing to the teacher. The teacher is the football coach which makes him a valuable person he is too valueable to fire him. Sports has nothing to do with education so why on earth does every school in the entire country spend so much money or sports.

  31. Wow! What alot of vitriol!

    I agree with most of the comments, however. I think cellphones are an example of an extremely useful technology for certain situations, that should never have been widely adopted. Emergency workers, and anyone whose job requires them to be on call, definitely have a need for cellphones. Everyone else got along fine with landlines ten years ago.

    For non-emergency situations, the dubious benefit is that people can talk on the phone much, much more than they used to. The costs are more automobile accidents, more noise polution, a general increase in rudeness, and its harder to meet new people since everyone is plugged into their existing networks 24/ 7. Also, its harder to walk around in cities, people on cell phones tend to walk either very slowly and not make way for other walkers, or to sway back and forth across the sidewalk. As the things get smaller, its harder to tell if someone is on the phone, deranged, or drunk.

  32. Borrowing from that great musical group, “War”: Don’t you know that it’s true / That for me, and for you / The world is a phonebooth! The actual word in their song is “ghetto”, and that’s just what the invention of the cell phone has made our world. Phone conversations (and rudeness) are now on a “anytime, anyplace” basis. And hey, it’s not just the conversations that intrude. What about all of those pictures that people take with their phones and then post on various public Web sites? So much for privacy. Those of us who hate cell phones may be the minority, but we need to stand up to the rude people who carry on in public with their phone conversations. Whenever people talk on their cell phones right near you, butt-in on their conversations! Answer any questions they vocalize into their phone. See if you can distract them as much as they distract you. Just let them say anything to you about minding your own business, and it will be the perfect opportunity for you to lecture them on keeping their business to themselves.

  33. I am always tempted to ask someone with a cell phone stuck in their ear this question. If I gave you $6000 right now, would you give up using a cell phone for 5 years? I figure the average person in my area of the US is spending about $1200 a year on cell phone charges. I bet none of these nincompoops with these devices plugged to their ear ever even thinks about what they are getting for their money. I can think of 2 or 3 instances per week where a cell phone would be convenient; convenient but not absolutely necessary. Did my wife want the scented toilet paper or the unscented? Are we out of milk? Damn my plane is late, I should let her know. If only there was a device that I could use to call someone while away from home. Something that was ubiquitous and easy to use. Oh yea, right a pay phone! Man o� man what a concept and it only cost $0.50. Do you know how much I have spent on pay phones in the last 6 months? Maybe $1.50 total. Why so little? Because I usually am too lazy to go find a phone and dig out the two bits to use it. So I buy the wrong toilet paper and I have to go a day without milk. For an extra six grand in my pocket, I can handle these inconveniences.

    As to the annoyance factor, I have one �pet peeve�. I can tolerate idiots with cell phones in cars because lets face it there are a lot of idiots on the road a few more isn�t that much of a bother. No, it�s people in grocery stores on these things. Grocery stores in America have big shopping carts and small isles. This encourages you to fill the cart with goods and allows the store to cram as much useless crap as possible into the store. I inevitably get stuck behind some moron on the phone, �Honey, are we out of cheez whiz�? While he blocks the way by moving along at a snails pace. Now I know it is vitally important to keep your pantry well supplied with junk food but make a freakin list why don�t you.

    All my wife�s friends have cell phones and think I�m a cheap bastard for not getting her one. One of her friends has complained to my wife because her husband has gotten upset with $400 cell phone bills. What an unreasonable son of a bitch! This is the same woman who pulls up to our front door and calls us on her cell phone to announce her arrival before she gets out of the car. I�ve even been getting flack from my parents because I let my wife out in to the cold cruel world without the protection of a cell phone. O.K. I admit we own a cell phone which we keep charged in the glove compartment of our car. We don�t have a contract with a wireless carrier because you can call 911 for free on any working cell phone. They don�t advertise that very much though.

  34. I can’t stand cell phones either. They bug me, a lot. I hate the way people are addicted to the blasted things mainly. I hate them going off in public the people you hear walking down the street yacking and think they’re talking to you, the distracted drivers, and especially when you’re outside in a conversation and the other person’s phone rings and you’re ignored for the next 10 minutes. Besides that I hate the fact they often fade in and out everyone thinks they need to have one and take it everywhere. I am determined to never own a cell phone and if some one gives me one I will smash it with a sledge hammer.

  35. There is lots of hostility to ill mannered people using cell phones in public places! And I thought I was unique. I totally despise mindless gabbling, where you can’t escape, or the bad manners of people of all ages who seem to think their affairs (literal as well as figurative) will interest all within hearing range. They even raise their voices, so everyone can hear. How nice! I bought a LOUD party horn and carry it with me every place I go. Every time someone next to me talks on their cell phone I start blowing my horn. The cell phone person usually gets mad and tells me to shut the hell up. I have had a few people take my horn away so I started carrying pepper spray too. Anyone that steals my horn gets shot in the face with pepper spray. If someone grabs my horn maybe I should grab their cell phone and smash it.


    I loathe the silly public display of immeadiate importance for communication. Now I have seen them everywhere: Funerals, Weddings, Church, and the worse being strapped to the ear of an 8 yr old. The seed of all evil has taken root, and I can only see that wicked tree bearing more and more bitter fruit. One and only one thing of their irreversible immersion into our society has pleased me. That is, the identifiable variation of numbers. Recently decrypted my lady’s land line where I discovered the number of an old boyfriend in “DIALED CALLS.” Poor unfortunate ho’. It was a perfect situation, seeing how all cell phones make me want to slap a bitch, I had GOOD reason!!!


  37. I find cell phones very annoying. I teach high school and most of the kids have cell phones. I’m constantly telling kids to turn them off and focus on the lesson. I don’t think children need cell phones…especially at school.

    The only good thing about a cell phone is to have it sitting in the car in case you need to call a tow truck.

  38. I totally agree with the Cell Phone era. I was on a date once and she kept talking on her cell phone so what I did, I grabbed it from her and threw it on the floor smashing it in pieces then said get your own ride bitch!! Then I walked out LOL

  39. I hate Cell Phones!! I have Epilepsy and they might give me a seizure, but besides that point, I cannot stand how people behave with them! In my opinion, when talking on the cell phone or when they have it in their hand, these crappy cell-phone users act like they are the only people on earth! When friends of mine who have cell phones ask me why I do not have one, I remind them about my seizures, and I tell them “I do not want to be distracted when I am outside.” Also, believe it or not, I have always hated having to make calls from phone booths when I was outside, so why get a F***ing cell phone?
    Recently, at work, a friend of mine with that awful invention was using his cell phone to see what time it was. I told him, “silly! The clock’s right there!!” He responded, “I HAVE A CELL PHONE!!” I shook my head and went back to work. Even with my wristwatch, I would still look at the big wall-clock from time to time….

  40. i have a cell phone and not only use it for
    emergency calls..but use it ALL the time anyway..i keep it glued to my head..get over it.

  41. I HATE HATE HATE them. I do not have one and will *never* get one. They are EVIL. When I destroyed one a few months ago, the serial number on the antenna was CC6663061. What other evidence is required?

  42. Examples of my least favorite rude cell phone etiquette:

    1. People that purposely talk loud on their cell phone while standing in a crowd/line.

    2. People that use the cell phone as an electronic leash to call their sweety as reminder to pick up milk at the grocery store or just to say “I Love You” during the middle of the work day (bored housewives are especially bad at this).

    3. Parents who give their teenage/pre-teen kids cell phones. Why does a 6th grader need a cell phone???

    4. Helicopter parents who give their college-age kids cell phones so that they can be in constant communication with mommy and daddy.

    5. People who don’t turn off their cell phone in meetings,movies,concerts,classes, presentations, and other occasions where it’s not appropriate.

    That being said, the cell phone can be a useful tool that eliminates the need for phone booths,tons of quarters, and calling cards-especially when your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere.

  43. I totally agree with the cell phone haters. I finally decided to get one. Well after 5 days of having it, I f-ing HATE the thing.. SO ANNOYING. and Txt’ers suck. Just my frustration and my 2 cents…

  44. I am glad I am ont the only one, “A cell phone hater”. I thought I was just getting to be a crabby old guy (age 52) with my fellings about this Cell Phone thing. I recently retired from 30 years as a law enforcement officer in the late great city of New Orleans. I have documented countless times that usnig the “Cell” was a contrubiting factor to a motor vehicle crash. Louisiana has not made their use while driving illegal as of yet. I had a communication device on my belt for 30 years and I was trained to use it while having to drive under stress conditions. I know the average Cell User has no such training. Cell phones are dangerous when used while driving. “Distraction” causes more crashes that any other cause in motor vehicle incidents.

  45. There is an easy solution! A small whistle or air horn applied close to a user while they are on line would discourage the call. And think of the fun it would be to “get to” the rude ones!

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