Our church was swarming with police this morning. No, they weren’t there to bust the pastor or anything. Because of Remembrance Day, we had the Toronto Police War Veterans’ Association taking part in the service. The two readings were read by Norm Gardner, chair of the Police Services Board, and Julian Fantino, the Chief of Police. I found the whole thing sort of disturbing. I’m not comfortable with the church cosying up to the civil authorities too much. It doesn’t seem like the sort of thing Jesus would do. In addition, our church has a sort of mystifying love for the British Empire, and the service ended with a rousing rendition of “God Save the Queen,” which I refuse to sing, for a number of reasons. The irony was that today’s sermon was a quite passionate plea for peace. The power of the message was somewhat deflated by the Empire worship, I thought. There’s a lot of blood on those hands.
We spent the afternoon at a play with our friends Philip and Ian. Swollen Tongues was a completely over-the-top Restoration-style comedy of cross-dressing, poetic competition, and Sapphic love. Oh, and it’s all in rhyming couplets. It was quite hilarious, since some of the rhymes are deliberately bad, and the actors delivered them as broad farce.
As it turns out, we’re having some of the same problems with our new Mac as we had with the old one. Since we transferred so many of our old files, we’ve obviously copied something corrupt. So now, I’m busily copying everything to CD-R before I have to restore the whole machine. There’s probably no way to figure out which file(s) are bad, but if anyone has a clue, could you share it?
The bad files are the ones hanging out in the alley smoking cigarettes with the young toughs.
James, you might want to head over to http://www.stilesux.com for todays comic. I followed a banner from something awful that looked funny, and well the comic made me think of you. =P