The Day The Earth Stood Still

Yesterday, I bought the DVD of the 1951 sci-fi classic The Day The Earth Stood Still. Hard to believe that this film was directed by the same man (Robert Wise) who directed The Sound of Music.

But that’s not why I used the title for this entry. You see, today I was laid off from my job. It seems to be a trend. This is the second time in three years that I’ve come home from SxSW and lost my job. This wasn’t entirely unexpected, or even unwelcome, but it’s still a little bit traumatic.

As some of you may know, I came back from Austin energized to move on with my life and do something for a living that I actually cared about. Sometimes life has a way of making the hard decisions for you. So, today the earth stood still, for a moment. But just for a moment. It’s up to me now to shape the future, as much as that’s possible.