
Another busy weekend has come to an end. This morning, Brooke and I ran in another race. Actually, two races. The Don River Run is both a 5K and a 10K event. Brooke ran in the 10K race, as the culmination of the 10K class she’s been taking at the Running Room. If you recall, I’d injured my knee and didn’t take that class, so I ran the 5K race. We both did ok, though I wasn’t too happy with the gigantic hill just before the finish. Read more here. Tonight, we met up with some of the people from her class at The Host, a very nice Indian restaurant. Brooke’s going to repeat the 10K class so I can join her. We start (again) this Wednesday night.

Last night, we stayed in to watch Saturday Night at the Movies on TVO, our public television station. They were screening Mildred Pierce (1945), starring Joan Crawford. It’s a great combination of film noir and shameless melodrama, and it’s the inspiration for the name of a very nice restaurant here in Toronto.

On Friday night, Brent and I went to see American Splendor (2003), about comic book writer Harvey Pekar. All I’ve been able to say to Brooke about it is: “What kind of woman is your bride, Harvey. Is she a nerd?” (you’ll need to see the movie now, won’t you?!). Excellent work all around, and nice to see one of my favourite character actors, Paul Giamatti, get a larger canvas.

I promise to try to be more interesting from now on. I’ve been neglecting you. The film festival is coming up fast, so I’ll be writing my traditional mini-reviews of the 15 films I’ll be seeing this year. Tuesday night we’ll be going over the schedule and guidebook choosing our films, and next Monday (Labour Day), we find out whether we got all of our first choices. This is always a frantic time of year for us, but it’s always worth it.