El Ratón Pérez (The Hairy Tooth Fairy) (Argentina/Spain, director Juan Pablo Buscarini): I don’t think I can write a substantial review of this film since I was so sleepy during it. The week is catching up to me, and because I was with my wife and sitting in such a comfortable and dark environment, I dozed off a few times. The film itself was quite good, though. A combination of CGI and live-action, El Ratón Pérez is the story of what happens to children’s teeth when they place them under their pillows. Unlike in North American and northern European culture, the Latin American and Spanish legend is that a mouse named Mr. Perez takes the tooth away and replaces it with a coin. Nothing terribly original about the film, but it was well-made and charming, and the many children in the audience seemed to appreciate it. One distraction was that they had someone reading the English subtitles into a microphone for the younger viewers. Having that competing with the Spanish-language soundtrack as well as the subtitles made watching the film more difficult.