Geez Louise

Geez, Issue 3

I haven’t mentioned Geez yet, have I? Editor Will Braun (a former editor of Adbusters) is doing some cool stuff out there in Winnipeg, and I want people to know.

In a recent article for, he talks about fighting the rising influence of the Religious Right (yes, even here in “liberal” Canada) by focussing on Jesus’ message of forgiveness and reconciliation.

“Perhaps religion, at its seldom-seen best, should allow society to imagine the unimaginable — like responding to evil with goodness and forgiving murders. Maybe the power of such actions can do more for our world than the super-power of religio-political might.”

Geez is a new magazine that’s hard to pin down, in a good way. It’s written from a Christian perspective, but so far, it’s tended to focus mostly on issues of sustainable living, simplicity, environmental and economic issues. I’ve subscribed and look forward to seeing where it takes me.

2 thoughts on “Geez Louise”

  1. To respond to evil with goodness and to forgive murder…that’s sounds great in theory. How can you make someone forgive a murderer if he doesn’t want to do it or what we shall do with Muslims or with the followers of the other religions who don’t accept these principles? How we can persuade people when even Jesus couldn’t do it?!

  2. Nina, thanks for your comment. I don’t believe you can MAKE someone forgive. But if you live by these principles personally, maybe you don’t have to “persuade” people at all. In fact, the point is to take responsibility for our selves first and not worry so much about “persuasion”. I think that’s what is causing the huge disconnect in most people’s minds about religion. People want to tell you how to live without living that way themselves.

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