Does George Bush receive verbal promptings during debates and speeches from a tiny earpiece?
Some television viewers have heard another voice speaking Bush’s words before he says them. As well, some photos showing him from behind seem to indicate a squarish bulge that may be a battery pack. Though President Bush has been known to say he sometimes acts on “promptings from God”, I’m not sure if it’s a relief to know that it might just be promptings from his handlers. Creepy, nevertheless, if it turns out to be true. I’m getting an icky image of a hand up his backside and him as a perfect ventriloquist’s dummy. (via boingboing)
10/8/04 UPDATE: Salon has picked up the story.
I’m since I worked in tv, I sorta can say with 100% certainty that the battery pack bulge people see could be and probably is the back up lav mic should his directional microphone go out during the debates. It’s a backup audio put into place on each person onstage by the tv crew. No need to worry, people.
On another note, how does one get ahold of someone or anyone over at gtabloggers to tell them I haven’t lived in the gta in over a year now? Thanks, James. 🙂