The Institute of Multicultural Development, a Dutch multicultural group is arranging a soccer match between Muslims and homosexuals. In an effort to combat fears and misconceptions, the two sides will meet on the pitch, and hopefully in the process, come to see each other as human beings.
While I applaud this effort, it does seem a bit strange to bring people together over a competitive sporting activity. For years, I’ve had the idea of bringing some of my fundamentalist Christian friends together with some gay friends (my smart-ass title for the events: Fags and Fundies), but at least over a meal, people have time to talk and there are no winners or losers.
Still, I suppose anything that can bring two groups of misunderstood and misunderstanding people together is a good thing.
P.S. The funniest thing in the Beliefnet story was the organizer’s assurance that gay Muslims can choose either team!