Debunking JFK Conspiracy Theories

REM was great, I’ll try to post a pic or two tomorrow.

For now, though, here’s a link to an interesting site which attempts to debunk most of the JFK assassination conspiracy theories. There’s a great page about Oliver Stone’s film and how he (and by extension, Jim Garrison) distorted the facts. Very well researched. I’m still not convinced Oswald acted alone, but I’m glad that this site is attempting to bring a little balance to the subject. It is history, after all. (via Metafilter)

12 thoughts on “Debunking JFK Conspiracy Theories”

  1. Can you please help me with any information or links that debunk the stories sprouting up that George Herbert Walker Bush, (41st President) Richard Nixon and the CIA conspired and plotted to kill JFK? I’ve found numerous facts to dispute it but still hitting some roadblocks and need help on some bits of facts like the supposed boats Bush sent into Cuba, The Barbara, The Zapata and The Houston. I know that Kennedy was killed in 1963 and President Bush Sr. wasn’t in the CIA until 1975, obviously eliminating him from this plot but, I have an equally hard time believing that Nixon had anything to do with this. It is more believable the Johnson did and that is ludicrous. Here is the site link to this conspiracy, if you have not seen it. MANY THANKS!!!

    If it doesn’t come up, you can do a “google” search of Bush, JFK Assassination and many sites will pop up. Unfortunately to say, my mom and brother believe this and I’m dead set on proving to them it’s a phony. I’m not convinced on what happened but, this is too outlandish to even listen to.

  2. I wonder why no one has seen what I have found in the Zapruder film….? We put tape of the film through special filters and you can actually see the line the trajectory of each bullit takes…obviously an 8 mm movie camera is to slow to catch the speed of a bullit but did capture the “glit” or trail lit by sun light. (you may have seen them in old films of war ) One of them actually passes in between JFK and his wife, and another seems to come from a taller building…someone else please check this out…it’s been overlooked all these years…!

  3. If you asked me if mr. Oswald did shot Kennedy, my answer to that would be no way mr idiot. You do not have to be a F.B.I man or a police officer to see that the shoots fired against president Kennedy was fired from another spot than that damn book deposit. I have shoot some rounds with my hunting rifle back here In sweden. I do think that mr Oliver Stone and his movie JFK is the final proof of this story. And when the whole story is relased the people that did stand behind this execution will no longer exist. And the people around the world will have something else to worrie about than president Kennedys execution back in 1963.

    If you shoot a guy from behind as the investigators proclames in theyre shitty story of the paid and bribed in “Scared to shit” by the military industrial komplex. JFK was shoot in an angle that made him fall back and to the left. Back and to the left. Back and to the left. Not forward and in to the drivers knee with his brain spread out all over the windshield, or right over gouvernor Connely`s back, as it would have been if he was shoot from that book deposit.

    Three persons in Kennedys car did know wery well what was going to happen with mr Kennedy. They just didnĀ“t know when. Especially the driver and the gouvernor Connaly who said THEY WILL KILL US ALL! Connalys wife didnt understand the underline of that sentense that day. And she probably never will. They will all take this secret with them to the grave yards. Oswald may have shot police officer Tippet but no way in hell that he shoot Kennedy.

    Most Sincerly:

  4. Dear Mr. Akan,
    If the three people in the car knew that Kennedy was going to be shot, then why did he have the bubble roof removed from the car?


  5. if kennedy’s wife was sitting right b-side JFK.. how come she doesn’t know who killed him?

  6. congradulations to whoever thought of this site. Discourse is essential in the pursuit of truth. I believe a pervasive truth could be distilled if we all communicated more. Shared and compared facts, checked and cross-checked dates and motivations and what have you must inevitably lead to a pristine, watertight, agreed by ‘all’ theory. Don’t lose hope! Don’t give up! Be glad that some major shareholders of some big dodgy corporates polluting our minds and the third world are going to be very very pissed off if you begin to influence others. Peace!

  7. In the name of God, the creator of heaven and the earth I write this note.
    God is the Master of the day of judgment, and only God knows when that day will come.
    We mankind are approaching close to that time.
    We mankind are proud, and have no respect for the creator’s right. We all say we believe in God but we
    don’t according to God’s revealed text.
    There were four scriptures given to mankind for guidance . The name of the scriptures are, Zaboor, Taurat ,Injeel and Quran.
    Taurat was given to Moses,Injeel to Jesus and Quran to
    Mohammed. Quran was revealed to muhammed 1426 years ago in arabic language. Taurat and Injeel was revealed to Moses and Jesus respectively in their mother laguages.
    All three recent religious groups, Jewish, Christian and Islam came from God . Abraham is our forefather, but unfotunately, there is no unity between these groups.
    How many of us ever thought about it. Did in the history of world, the religious leaders of these three goups tried to unify themselves to respect God and God’s creation to bring peace on earth ? My answer is no. The next question is Why? It is because we mankind is blinded by the greed of power to rule others.
    Why this is happening to us ? Can God help us ?
    There is a reason . The main reason is that we worship
    some one else other than the creator God and we have no clue that we are doing this sinful act. God will never forgive us for this sin. Surely, we are going down the drain into hell along with our evil Gods.
    To make the story short, our present powerful God on earth is Mr. Bush. As I see through my spiritual sight.
    The bush administration and similar administrations in the history of USA , has done wrong to their people for their goal to rule the world.
    The honorable president JKF was surely killed by such power. Let the American administration claim to the world that they did not do it vowing in the name of God the creator of the heaven and earth.
    Let Mr. Bush come forword if he has the power to face God in front of all the people of earth and proclaim the truth. This is my challenge to Bush wi th God with me.

    Beacuse of the rule of the evil force we will never know the truth on earth. The evil power can’t let the truth to be known.
    However, God is the truth, if we can trust 100% in God,
    He will let us know the truth tthrough divine power.
    The 911 event on WTC was done by the same evil force who killed JFK. Why? Because , The evil wants to rule the world like Hitler wanted to do.
    Is Hitler with us now? Is Roman empire with us now, Is British empire ruling the world any more? Soon the evil powers of any ruling class disappear from this world.
    May the power of God protect the believing souls on earth.
    On average our human life on earth is only two minutes of God’s time. ( 70 years) How many out billions of us knew of this information? Please think and act. Do not die with out God in you.

    May God by his divine plan unite us all under God’s command . There is a way to make God act directly on the life of a believer and create a path of heaven for us.
    My request to the world community, let us forget the past history, let us forget our differences, let us be one force under God, let us love each other, let us create a world of passion and care. Let us create the world that did not exit befoer. Let us not be afraid of evil human power. If we can trust God the way prophet Abraham did, we are sure to reach the gate of God but if we have atoms weight of doubt in or mind about the power of God, we shall remain the same as misguided folowers of evil force on earth.
    Oh God, Oh the power of the universe, make the world believe what I tried to tell them about your truth and your love and your mercy.

    Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illah Allah.
    Allahu akbar.
    Oh Allah help the mankind to get the right guidance.

    Lutful M. Aziz

  8. I always thought Nixon was involved, or his party, because of the close loss to JFK in 1960. Nixon did not run in 1964 to lay low, but emerged in 1968 to face… another Kennedy, and look whay happened to RFK. Insane as it sounds, look at all the evidence to show Nixon was ruthless and a crook. Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commision, became president and pardoned Tricky Dicky…hmmm.

    Just a thought…. any feedback

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