I’ve been withholding my judgement on Apple’s new browser for a few weeks now. But much as I like some of its features (clever bookmark management, innovative page-loading progress bar, speed), I still suspect its rendering engine is wonky. Major case in point: this site. Only in Safari would the entire right column be invisible. It’s not gone, since you can still mouse over the invisible links and the cursor turns into a finger and shows the links. Very frustrating. I don’t know how many of you are even Mac users, never mind Safari users, but for now, I think I’m sticking with Chimera. That is, if the developers don’t throw in the towel first.
For any super-smart web developer-type people out there, any idea what’s going on?
I just submitted a bug report. Yours isn’t the only site that renders weird like that in Safari — I’ve hit some sites where nothing shows up apart from the header graphic. It is still an early beta, so I’m hopeful it will get cleaned up. And I’ve been reading Safari developer Dave Hyatt’s blog since the first version was released, and he’s been very proactive in dealing with issues raised by Safari users. My fingers are crossed that tabs get added to a future release — as well as the ability to properly render your site!
I’m reading your site in Safari right now and the right-hand column and links show up just fine. Of course, IANASSWDTP*.
* I Am Not As Super-Smart Web Developer-Type Person.
Works fine for me. Try hitting “reload”.
Granted it’s not perfect, but it’s both Cocoa AND extremely efficient in code size (KHTML isn’t Cocoa), so I want to support this kind of good engineering. Gecko is a monstrosity that should be thrown in the garbage, and IE is an affront to all decency.
Well, whaddya know? After both Mike and I submitted bug reports, and the rest of you saw things fine, I check again, and everything looks normal now. Either someone at Apple is listening, or else…something else.
i’m a mac guy and i just recently started using ie…from nc. should i be using something else? guide me OBmacKenobi.
Hey, things are looking better with the new release of Safari. I just downloaded it and the first site I checked with it was this one — I think the problem, whatever it was, has been solved.