Craphound polymath™ (and Toronto ex-pat) Cory Doctorow has had his first novel published. Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, in addition to being available from the regular places, has also been released as a completely free download, under a Creative Commons licence. There’s a great interview with him on the Creative Commons site, too.
Category: Books
Eric Meyer on CSS Contest
Thanks to the generosity of New Riders, I have a duplicate copy of Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design to give away. If you’ve been reading CC for a while, you know what’s coming, don’t you? A contest! Previous contests have been quite popular, and I’ve managed to give away a couple of fine books by Messrs. Zeldman and Powazek.
Here are the rules for the Eric Meyer on CSS Haiku Contest:
1. Readers will submit a genuine haiku (using the comments link below), consisting of three lines. 5 syllables in each of the first and third lines, and 7 syllables in the second line.
2. There is a limit of 3 entries from each person, and at least 10 entries must be received for the prize to be awarded.
3. The contest will run from today until August 15, or until it gets boring.
4. Entrants need not post their entry on their own site, but must post a link to this entry to be eligible. Those without web sites are obviously exempt from this requirement.
5. Anyone in the world may enter and win, but those outside of North America might need to help with shipping costs if they are prohibitive.
Good luck, everyone, and please help spread the word! Oh, and yes, it’s a good book. You can read my review at Digital Web.
Strange Voyage
I’m thoroughly engrossed in a book I bought a couple of years ago. I had to buy it online from a used book dealer, since it had long been out of print. Now, finally back in print, The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst tells the fascinating story of a man attempting to sail around the world, non-stop and alone. He set sail on October 31, 1968, one of a number of competitors in a round-the-world race. Eight months later, his boat was found drifting in the Atlantic, with no one aboard. The mystery deepened when it was discovered that he had been faking his logbook entries. I had meant to begin reading it as soon as I bought it but my interest was rekindled by a new book on all of the race competitors, A Voyage for Madmen. Now I’m going to read them one after the other. Completely fascinating.
Amazon Open In Canada!
Just found out that Amazon now has a Canadian store! I’ll hopefully be transferring my wish list over to that since shipping will be so much cheaper now! Hurrah!
Save Canada’s Small Publishers!
A recent court ruling is threatening to bankrupt Canada’s small publishers.
It’s hard to know what to do to help, but at the very least, we can make some noise about this. The blogging community celebrates a diversity of voices online and we should also help to defend that diversity offline as well. Stay tuned for (hopefully) some action steps.