Powazek Poetry Contest Winner

Finally, the winner of the Powazek Poetry Contest is announced! Congratulations and free shipping to Matt, for his witty entry:

If you wanna build a site,
You can’t just code with impunity;
If you wanna get it right,
You gotta read Design for Community.
There were two honourable mentions:

Wanna build an online community?

You don’t have to be a power tech

Just take this fine opportunity
And buy the book by Powazek


I didn’t quite win your zeldman book
but back to your community I wandered
I suspect that I’m still out of luck
I’ll just buy copies once remaindered.

Lloyd “Always a Bridesmaid” Wood

I must assure Mr. Wood that it is not the high cost of shipping that is keeping him out of the medals, but rather his failure to really mention the topic, though I laughed some. Thank you to all our entrants and special congratulations to our winner and runners-up!

Powazek Poetry Contest

Well, the friendly UPS man has just been here, and as I suspected, I’ve received another copy of Derek Powazek‘s Design for Community. In the spirit of the Zeldman Haiku Contest™, I’m going to be running the Powazek Poetry Contest™. This time, I need a 4 line stanza, rhymed either ABAB or ABBA. Other rules:

  • No more than two entries per person
  • At least 10 entries must be received
  • If you have a site, you must post a link back to this entry (publicity is required for this to be fair)
  • Contest closes when it begins to get lame

Click “comments” and get rhymin’…