Geez Louise

Geez, Issue 3

I haven’t mentioned Geez yet, have I? Editor Will Braun (a former editor of Adbusters) is doing some cool stuff out there in Winnipeg, and I want people to know.

In a recent article for, he talks about fighting the rising influence of the Religious Right (yes, even here in “liberal” Canada) by focussing on Jesus’ message of forgiveness and reconciliation.

“Perhaps religion, at its seldom-seen best, should allow society to imagine the unimaginable — like responding to evil with goodness and forgiving murders. Maybe the power of such actions can do more for our world than the super-power of religio-political might.”

Geez is a new magazine that’s hard to pin down, in a good way. It’s written from a Christian perspective, but so far, it’s tended to focus mostly on issues of sustainable living, simplicity, environmental and economic issues. I’ve subscribed and look forward to seeing where it takes me.

Pick Me!

Each March, for the past six years, I’ve attended the South by Southwest Interactive conference in Austin and have always wondered why there were no panels on faith or spirituality. The Internet has made a huge impact on how people interact with each other and this area in particular has always fascinated me. Will “cyberchurches” replace megachurches? Can people worship together when they’ve never physically met? How is the web changing how we talk to each other about faith? I decided I’d like to find out, so I’ve proposed to moderate a panel at next year’s conference.

About 200 other people have made panel proposals, too. Which is where you come in. Check out the handy-dandy Panel Picker and nominate the ten best ideas. It’s ok if you don’t think mine is one of them. But if you’re intrigued, and are going to be there (hey, even if you’re not going to be there), do me a favour and throw me a vote. My proposal is under the “Community” and “Miscellaneous” categories, and is entitled “Ghost in the Machine: Spirituality Online.”

Your input on the panel is welcome as well.

Who Has God On Their Side?

I clicked on a strange Google Ad today. Nice to see that Campus Crusade for Christ is using the World Cup as an evangelistic opportunity. Jesus And The World Cup is basically an evangelistic tract laid out in the green and gold of Brazil’s team colours. Is this a hint as to whom God favours?

My favourite quote from the page: “If soccer is your source of happiness, then your life can go up and down.”

God Laughs and Plays

Author David James Duncan has a new book out, entitled God Laughs and Plays. He calls it “a collection of what I call “churchless sermons” united by my belief that the way of life preached and embodied by Jesus in the Gospels is meant to be an example to Christians.” I’ve read his collection of short stories, River Teeth, and heard him read at a conference about ten years ago, and this new book intrigues me. The title is based on a beautiful quote from mystic Meister Eckhart:

Be as sure of it as you are that God lives: at the least good deed done here in this world, the least bit of good will, the least good desire, God laughs and plays.

Powells has a very interesting interview with him on their site.