My hosting company was having CGI problems from last night until this afternoon. Apologies if you were having trouble posting comments. Please overcompensate by commenting like crazy, ok?
Category: Internet
Good News for SxSW Attendees
Schlotzsky’s Deli restaurants in the Austin area are installing large antennas on their rooftops, allowing customers up to a mile away to use their free wireless access. This will come in really handy at next year’s SxSW. (Does this count as my first SxSW 2003 post?)
Amazon Open In Canada!
Just found out that Amazon now has a Canadian store! I’ll hopefully be transferring my wish list over to that since shipping will be so much cheaper now! Hurrah!
Wireless Bandit
Wireless Bandit is a new blog documenting the growing number of wireless access points in my fair city, Toronto. I know this will come in handy!
Bandwidth Capping
This article is one of several I’ve seen recently on the subject of the proposed bandwidth capping by Canada’s broadband providers. Usually the limits discussed are 5-6 Gb/month before extra charges kick in. What I’m wondering is, how can I check how much bandwidth I’m using right now? Am I likely to exceed these limits? How can I know if the numbers don’t mean anything to me? Suggestions?