SxSW, Here I Come!

So I’ve gone and done it. I’ve registered for SxSW 2001. I don’t know how I’m getting to Austin, or where I’m staying, but I’m now committed to attending. I’ve put all my business info on the registration, as opposed to my “blog” activities, so I hope I won’t just blend into the corporate background. Now I’ll have to convince my boss to pay for part of my registration, or flight, or hotel, or not charge the time as vacation days or something. I’ll tell him I’ll be schmoozing for the company. Yeah, that’s right…

Also, should mention I’m back at work today for the first time in over two weeks. The jury I was on deliberated for just under an hour yesterday before delivering a verdict of “Not Guilty” on all 40 charges brought against the four defendants. There was just not nearly enough evidence to determine what happened. I feel good about the job we did.


OK, SXSW…I’m really interested in going. But what to make of those incredible hotel prices? One night is as expensive as the whole conference fee (that is, if you register early…). Does anyone who’s been there before know of any cheaper, safe hotels that are not too far away? I’d like to start all my planning right now. It’s bad enough that I’ll have to convert my Canadian dollars into American half-dollars (practically!). Any suggestions?

Real Love

I rescued the following from the “journal” that I kept on my site before I started blogging. I think it’s a courageous thing for me to do to post it here. I mean , who else would admit such a thing:

Friday, April 14th 2000 04:30PM

I must be hopelessly in love with b. Of course, I am, but the evidence was never more damning than last night. I actually accompanied her to a, now brace yourself, to a Chris DeBurgh concert. GASP! I’ll let you laugh for a bit. ……….ok, that’s enough! Seriously, can’t say I was EVER a fan, and what does the guy do, but play for THREE HOURS!!! I mean, who does he think he is, Springsteen?! Oh well, I suppose I scored some points and maybe one day when I need company for a Pavement show, or Radiohead, or something, b. will have to sit beside me with the same pained expression on her face as I was wearing for three hours (and more) last night.