Apologies in advance to any cell phone junkies, but I hate them! I hate the whole culture of people talking on their phones anywhere, anytime, about nothing. Self-important “business” people in the line at McDonald’s, fat cats in their BMWs with phones stuck to the side of their heads, people on the subway whose phones ring immediately after we come out from underground, people having the conversations that consist of “I’m on the bus/streetcar/subway. I’m at [such and such intersection]. Where are you?” I think cell phones are a bad rash, encouraging rude behaviour and dumbing down communication. I hate the vocabulary: “my mobile,” “my land line,” “my cell.” Even worse, as the earpieces become smaller and smaller, it will be impossible to distinguish the cell phone yakkers from the truly delusional. But somehow that seems appropriate to me.
Category: Technology
Lindows is a Linux-based OS that purports to act and look like Windows, as well as being able to run most Windows software. Wal-Mart is already selling computers with Lindows pre-loaded. Interesting! (via BoingBoing)
Tivo Lust
Matt continues to stoke my Tivo lust…
Why, oh, why isn’t Tivo available up here? We’d make a great test market for all the new features! And our dollar is weak, so it’d be cheap for them to start up here. We also have several regional cable monopolies so they’d only have to woo a few major players. Are you listening, Tivo? Are you listening?
Here’s a Great App
Here’s a great app for those of us using Mac OS X: BlogApp is a tool that will allow me to post to my blog, will ping Weblogs.com automatically, will do spell-checking, and many other neat features. It’s worth a look.
Windows XP:
- eXPensive
- eXPletive-inducing
- eXPect lots of Microsoft spam
Know any more?