spoon - april 25, 2001 - toronto

Three years later, Spoon finally return to Toronto in triumph. Riding the success of a new CD, Girls Can Tell (Merge), Spoon roared into town to support Guided By Voices, with whom they'd toured before. A full house for GBV also got to enjoy a great show by Austin's finest. After their set, I spoke to new bassist Roman (also of the great great Oranges Band), to "Amazing Drummer/Clooney lookalike" Jim, who procured the setlist, and finally, over the sonic assault of Pollard and Co., to Britt. I was able to shout out a request for an interview before their headlining show the next night. Britt was laid back and gracious, and the results are here.

  1. Change My Life
  2. Take the Fifth
  3. Lines in the Suit
  4. 30 Gallon Tank
  5. Chips and Dip
  6. Utilitarian
  7. Anything You Want
  8. Fitted Shirt
  9. I Could See the Dude
  10. Waiting for the Kid
  11. Mountain to Sound
  12. Metal Detektor
  13. Car Radio
  14. Me and the Bean
  15. Take a Walk
backconsolation champs again...