I had a doctor’s appointment today, way across town in west Scarborough, where I grew up. Taking advantage of my last day off in a while (more on that soon), and some sunny (though cold) weather, I took some time to walk around my old neighbourhood with my digital voice recorder. I recorded almost 45 minutes of stream-of-consciousness stuff about growing up on Cassandra Boulevard there in the 70s and 80s. It may not be of interest to anyone but me, but I’m going to post it along with a few images from Google Maps of the neighbourhood.
Duration: 42:36
Download MP3 (20MB)
You can click on the above image to get an idea of the whole area of my walk.
I started at my doctor’s office on Ellesmere just east of Pharmacy. It’s marked by a red polygon.
After walking through Parkway Mall, I headed for my old building at 270 Cassandra, marked by the red polygon.
I continued walking on Cassandra, past 250 to Cassandra Park.
I turned left onto Avonwick Gate, to visit Annunciation Catholic School, where I attended grades 1-8 from 1971-1978. The school is marked by the red polygon.
Across from Avonwick Gate is the entrance to what we called “the ravine,” which is really Brookbanks Park. I emerged by Crestwood Preparatory Academy and Brookbanks Public Library, which is marked with a red polygon.
If you find this site because of Google, and you knew me, please get in touch! You can add a comment or if the comment form is closed, you can find me on any of the various social networks out there.